
The display will return to the regular clock display
after 7 seconds, or you may press the
DISP/CLOCK button again to return to the regu-
lar clock display.
For setting the clock on Type A and B audio
systems see “Adjusting the time” in this section.
DISP (display) button:
The DISP (display) button will show text about
MP3, SAT or CD information in the audio display.
CD display mode
To change the text displayed while playing a CD
with text,press theDISP button.The DISPbutton
will allowyou to scroll throughCD text asfollows:
Disc title ←→ Track title.
To change the default display mode, press the
AUDIO knob repeatedly until DISPLAY MODE
appears on the display, then rotate the knob to
select the following display modes:
Type A, B and E: Disc number ←→ Folder
Type C and D: Disc title ←→ Tracknumber ←→
Track title.
Once the display mode is selected, press the
AUDIO knob again to store the setting. If the
AUDIO knobis notpressed within8 seconds,the
display will refresh with the last selected display
mode setting.
Disc number mode displays the current disc
number playing in the changer.
Folder number mode displays the selected
folder number and the track number that is
currently being played.
Disc title mode displays the title of the CD
being played.
Track number mode displays the number
selected disc and the track that is currently
being played on the disk.
Track title mode displays the title of the se-
lected CD track.
MP3 display mode
Tochange the text displayed when listening to an
MP3/WMA CD with MP3/WMA text (when CD
with text is being used), press the DISP button.
The DISPbutton willscroll throughthe CDtext as
Type A, B, C and D: Track title ←→ Artist
title ←→ Folder title.
TypeE: Tracktitle ←→ Foldertitle ←→Artist title
←→ Disc number ←→ Folder number.
To change the default display mode, press the
AUDIO knob repeatedly until DISPLAY MODE
appears on the display, then rotate the knob to
select the following display modes:
Type A, B and E: Disc number ←→ Folder
Type C and D: Disc number ←→ Folder number
←→ Track title ←→ Artist title ←→ Folder title.
Once a display mode is selected, press the AU-
DIO knob again to store the setting.
Disc number mode displays the selected
disc number and the track number that is
currently being played.
Folder number mode displays the selected
folder number and the track number that is
currently being played.
Tracktitle modedisplays the track title of the
MP3/WMA file.
Artist title mode displays the artisttitle ofthe
MP3/WMA file.
Folder title mode displays the folder name
given to the MP3/WMA folder.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-47