
The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure
described in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate) Recommended Fluids and Lubricants
US measure Imp measure Liter
Fuel 29-1/8 gal 24-1/4 gal 110 See “Fuel Recommendation (without FlexibleFuel Vehicle Option)”or “Flexible Fuel Ve-
hicle (FFV) Fuel Recommendation”later in this section.
Engine oil *7
Drain and Refill
With oil filter change 6-7/8 qt 5-3/4qt 6.5
• Engine oil with APICertification Mark *1
• Viscosity SAE 5W-30
Without oil filter change 6-1/2 qt 5-1/2 qt 6.2
Cooling system
With reservoir 3-1/4 gal 2-5/8 gal 12.2 50% Genuine NISSAN Long LifeAntifreeze/Coolant or equivalent
50% Demineralized or distilled water
Automatic transmission fluid Refill to the proper levelaccording to the instructions in the
“Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section.
Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATF*2
Power steeringfluid (PSF) Genuine NISSAN PSF or equivalent*3
Brake fluid Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy DutyBrake Fluid *4 or equivalent DOT 3
Multi-purpose grease NLGI No.2 (Lithium Soap base)
Air conditioning system refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) *5
Air conditioning system oil NISSAN A/C System OilType S or equivalent *5
Transfer fluid 2-1/8 qt 1-3/4qt 2.0 Genuine NISSAN Matic D ATFrecommended*6
Front final drive oil 3-3/8 pt 2-7/8pt 1.6 Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil HypoidSuper GL-580W - 90 or API GL-5 Viscosity
SAE 80W-90 Gear Oil, *8
Rear final drive oil 4-1/4 pt 3-1/2 pt 2.0 GenuineNISSAN Differential Oil Synthetic 75W-140 orAPI GL-5synthetic gear oil,
Viscosity SAE 75W-140 *9
Windshield washer fluid (shared between
front and rear wipers)
1-1/4 gal 1 gal 4.5 Genuine NISSAN Windshield WasherConcentrate Cleaner & Antifreeze or equivalent
*1: For further details, see“Engine oil and oil filter recommendations.”
*2: If Genuine NISSAN MaticS ATF is not available,Genuine NISSAN Matic J ATFmay also be used. Using automatic transmission fluidother than Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATFor Matic J AFT will
cause deterioration in driveability andautomatic transmission durability, andmay damage the automatic transmission, which is not coveredby the NISSAN new vehicle limited warranty.
*3: DEXRON™ VI type ATFmay also be used.
*4: Available in mainland USAthrough your NISSAN dealer.
*5: For further details, see“Air conditioner specificationlabel.”
*6: Using fluid other thanGenuine NISSAN Matic D ATFwill cause deterioration in driveability and transfer durability,and may damage the transfer, which is notcovered by the NISSAN new vehicle
limited warranty..
*7: For further details, see“Changing engine oil.”
*8: For hot climates, viscositySAE 90 is suitable for ambient temperatures above0° C (32° F).
*9: See your NISSAN dealerfor service.
9-2 Technical and consumer information