(Revised 2010-7-2) page 101 of 145
Set SNMP Set Community name
system set snmpsetcommunity
To set the community name for performing snmpset operation
system set snmpsetcommunity <Community-Name>
The name of the community to be used for performing snmpset
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmpsetcommunity private
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmpsetcommunity “N-
Arguments cannot have spaces. You can use an underscore („_‟) instead
of a space.
Set SNMP Trap Community name
system set snmptrapcommunity
To set the community name for raising snmp trap
system set snmptrapcommunity <Community-Name>
The name of the community to be used for raising snmp trap
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmptrapcommunity private
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> system set snmptrapcommunity “N-
Arguments cannot have spaces. You can use an underscore („_‟) instead of
a space.
Show all configuration parameters
Displays the software version, the MAC address, status of gigabit ports,
and other switch information
N-TRON/Admin#[32]system/show> system show config
System Configuration :
Product Configuration : 9002CPU
Software Version : 4.1.1
MAC Address : 00:07:af:ff:d8:80
IP Configuration Mode : manual
System IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Gateway Address :
System Name : N-TRON Switch
System Contact : N-TRON Admin
System Location : Mobile, AL 36609
System Up Time : 0 days:0 hours:55 mins:59 secs
Total Number of Ports : 26
Port # 1 – 24 : 10/100 Mbps Copper and/or 100
Mbps Fiber
Port # 25 : 1000 Base LX Transceiver
Port # 26 : 1000 Base LX Transceiver