(Revised 2010-7-2) page 137 of 145
Set RSTP Bridge Priority
Sets the Bridge Priority. The root bridge on the network will be the one
with the lowest bridge priority, or the lowest MAC address if the priorities
are the same (as per IEEE 802.1D specification).
rstp set bridgepriority <vlan-id> <bridge priority>
Vlan Id for which the priority to be set.
bridge priority
Priority of the Bridge to be set.
The value should range between 0 and 65535. (as per IEEE 802.1D
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp set bridgepriority 1 1000
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp set bridgepriority 2 2000
Ensure to use a valid range of Bridge priority and Vlan Index (being greater
than zero)
Get RSTP Bridge Priority
Gets the Bridge Priority of the given Vlan-Id.
rstp get bridgepriority <vlan-id>
Vlan Id for which the priority is to be viewed .
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp get bridgepriority 1
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp get bridgepriority 2
Set RSTP Port Path Cost
To set the port path cost for a given port in the given vlan id. STP and
RSTP use the path cost to determine which path to use when there are 2 or
more available paths that both have the same port priority.
rstp set portpathcost <vlan-id> <port no> <pathcost>
Vlan Id for which the pathcost is to be set.
port no
The portnumber for which the path cost is to be set.
The path cost value to be set (1-200000000).
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp set portpathcost 1 4 100
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp set portpathcost 2 6 200
Please supply a valid Vlan Index (being greater than zero), a valid Port
Number, and a valid path cost.
Get RSTP Port Path Cost
To get the port path cost for a given port in the given vlan id
rstp get portpathcost <vlan-id> <port no>
Vlan Id to which the port belongs.
port no
The portnumber for which the path cost is to be viewed.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp get port pathcost 1 4
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp get port pathcost 2 6
Please supply a valid Vlan Index (being greater than zero)and Port Number