Managing mail settings
4. Tap OK.
If you are using the Palm VersaMail HotSync Conduit and you have an IMAP
account, you must configure the outgoing mail settings if you want to send mail.
To set outgoing mail server (SMTP) settings:
1. In the Server Settings screen, tap Details.
2. Tap the Options pick list and select Outgoing Mail.
3. Enter any of the following:
Deleted Mail (IMAP
Stores deleted e-mail in the folder you specify on the
server. This field is case sensitive, so spell the folder name
exactly as it is spelled on the server. For example, if your
Deleted Mail folder is called Trash (with a capital T) on the
server, you must enter Trash in this space.
Sent Mail (IMAP
Shows the name of your Sent Mail folder on the server.
This field is case sensitive, and the folder name should be
spelled exactly as it is spelled on the server
Display Name
Enter the name you want to appear on your outgoing
messages, such as “Joe Smith.”
Reply To Address
Enter the e-mail address that you want recipients to see and
reply to on your e-mail messages, only if it is different from
the e-mail address from which you are sending the message.
For example, if you are sending a message from
me@yahoo.com but you want recipients to reply-to
me@earthlink.net, enter the reply to address here. Reply To
Address makes it look like the e-mail came from the address
you enter.