Chapter 4 Getting, Sending, and Managing E-Mail
Getting e-mail by subject or getting the entire message
When you get e-mail messages, you can choose to get the subject only or to get the
entire message. You can also use the Details dialog box to select options for getting
unread e-mail only, downloading attachments, and using filters.
To get e-mail messages:
1. Tap Get Mail.
If you have e-mail stored in your Outbox, tap Get & Send.
2. In the Get Mail dialog box, tap Subjects Only to download subjects only, or tap
Messages to download entire messages.
You can turn off the Get Mail dialog box in VersaMail Preferences. See
“Setting preferences for getting and deleting mail” later in this chapter for
3. (Optional) Tap Details and set options for retrieving unread e-mail,
downloading attachments, using filters, using auto-disconnect, specifying
maximum download size, and specifying the default connection type for this
account. Tap OK.
You will only see the auto-disconnect option for accounts that use a
connection service other than the Palm™ Wireless service. You will only see
the default connection type option for accounts other than your Palm.com
See “Creating mail filters” in Chapter 6 for information on filters. See “Setting
VersaMail connection preferences” in Chapter 6 for information on the
auto-disconnect feature. See “Selecting a different service for a given e-mail
account” in Chapter 6 for information on setting a default connection type.