old messages 63
Palm.com account messages 17
Desktop Link. See Palm Desktop Link
Disabling call waiting 105
Disconnecting a modem 100
Documents To Go
converting attachments 80–81
installing new version 8
Download message size 25, 31, 77, 91, 98
Downloading attachments 38
creating 43
saving 49, 50
Earthlink, collecting e-mail 19
accessing corporate e-mail 124
adding Address Book entry from e-
mail 68
adding attachments 57–59
addressing 47
alert for new mail 13
attaching files 36
attachments 54–61
backing up databases 122
beeping for new mail 11
buzzing or blinking for new mail 14
collecting e-mail from POP3 accounts 19
composing 49
copying and pasting text 120
creating new messages 46–49
days to synchronize 76
deleting messages on handheld 61–64
deleting messages on server 17, 115
drafts 50, 51
emptying trash 64–65
filters for 84–87
folder on server 115
forwarding 51, 52
forwarding attachments 61
forwarding from another account 12
getting entire message 36
getting on desktop 72–76
getting subject only 36
header details 121
icons 38
leaving mail on server 25, 30, 91, 97, 114
mailbox storage limits 16
managing mail settings 110–117
marking read and unread 65–66
maximum message size 25, 31, 77, 91, 98
notification filter 15
notification options 13
personal signature 50, 67
preferences 67
reading 35
replying to 52–54
sending 49, 50
setting preferences for 67
signature, adding 27, 32, 93, 99
storing in Outbox 49
time received 37
trash 64
viewing attachments 54–56
viewing Palm.com account on
Internet 16
E-mail account
APOP setting 114
before setting up 22
Business 5
changing e-mail address 113
changing mail server settings 114
changing protocol type 111
changing username and password 111
checking for new messages 35, 36
connection type 21–22
creating new 27, 30–31, 91, 94–99
default mail service 108–110, 112
deleting accounts 33–34
displaying Inbox 35
editing accounts 27–33
incoming and outgoing server 24, 29, 90,
managing mail settings 110–117
network connection 22
notification filter 15
notification option 11
outgoing mail server 115
Palm wirelesss 9
password 23, 29, 89, 96
selecting for synchronization 73
synchronization options 72–76
synchronize-only account 87–90, 93
synchronizing 72, 82
username 23, 29, 89, 96
See also Palm.com account