Section 700 - Operation Chapter 3. System Features
DBS-2.3/9.2-700 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 Page 3-5
Extensions with the Verified Account Codes feature disabled can place
outside calls based on the TRS type assigned to the extension. If a user wishes
to place a call that would normally be restricted at the extension, the user can
enter a valid Verified Account Code to upgrade the TRS type assigned to the
1. Pick up the handset.
The phone issues intercom dial tone.
2. Dial “#11.”
3. Enter the four-digit Account Code.
4. Press “#.”
The phone issues intercom dial tone.
5. Press an available CO key or dial a trunk access code.
The phone issues outside dial tone.
6. Dial the telephone number.
The Verified Account Code TRS type remains in effect until the call is
Related Programming
• FF1 (System): Verified Forced Account Codes
• FF1 (System): Toll Restriction for Verified Forced Account Codes
• FF3 (Extension): Verified Forced Account Codes
• FF7 (TRS): Toll Restrictions
Hardware Requirements
• An SMDR printer or external call accounting system is required to collect
account code records.
• Verified account codes are for outgoing calls only.