Step 1
Select "HD_Viewer" from the start menu ("Start" – "All
programs" – "Panasonic" – "HD_Viewer") or double-
click the HD_Viewer icon on the desktop.
Step 2
Click the [Open file] button.
→ The "Open" window will be displayed.
Step 3
Select the downloaded image data file (filename.n3r).
• Itispossibletoselecttwofilesormore(upto32
files) by clicking the desired files while holding
down the [Ctrl] key or the [Shift] key.
• Toplayaudiodata,theimagedatafile"filename.
n3r" and the audio data file "filename.n3a" are
necessary to be saved in the same folder.
Step 4
Click the [Open] button.
→ The image data will be displayed.
Step 5
When playback finishes, a black screen will be dis-
played and paused.
• Itispossibletoopenanimagefile(extension:n3r)
by dragging and dropping it onto the window of
the viewer software.
• Whentwofilesormoreareselected,itispossible
to skip to play the previous/next file by clicking
the [Previous file]/[Next file] buttons.
• Whenthe[Zoomin]buttonisclicked,thedis-
played image will be enlarged two times.
• WhenperformanceofthePCinuseislow,images
may not be played smoothly.
• Itispossibletoturnon/offaudiobyclickingthe
[Speaker (audio on)] button and the [Speaker
(audio off)] button.
• Whenawebbrowser,theviewersoftwareandthe
HDD Viewer are running at the same time, audio
may not be heard correctly.
• Runonlyoneofthewebbrowser,theviewersoft-
ware and the HDD viewer software to play audio.
• Imagesmaysometimesnotbeplayedsynchro-
nized with audio.
Play the downloaded recorded images