Recording mode
It is possible to directly connect up to 16 cameras to the recorder and record images from them on the hard
disk drives.
The following recording modes are available.
Emergency recording: Recording that is performed manually using an external switch, etc. when an emergen-
cy occurs
Manual rec. operation: Recording that is started and stopped manually
Schedule recording: Recording that is automatically performed at the designated time range on the desig-
nated day of the week
Event recording: Recording that is automatically performed at an event occurrence (such as VMD, termi-
nal alarm/camera site alarm, video loss, etc.)
• Recordingmaynotbeperformedaroundfor1secondinthefollowingcases.However,thisisnotamal-
• Whenthesettingsarechangedandthesetupmenuisclosedduringrecording
• Whentheimagecapturesize,imagequalityortherecordingrateischangedduringrecording
• Whenapost-eventrecordingoranemergencyrecordingstarts/endsduringrecording
Event type
Event recording types displayed on a list on various windows are as follows.
MAN: Manual recording
SCH: Schedule recording
EMR: Emergency recording
The following are detailed event recording types.
VMD: Displayed when a motion is detected
LOSS: Displayed when a video loss occurred
COM: Displayed when a command alarm occurred
TRM: Displayed when a terminal alarm occurred
SITE: Displayed when a camera site alarm occurred
CMTN: Displayed when a motion is detected (SD5Link camera)
CRMV: When an object appears/disappears (SD5Link camera)
CSTY: Displayed when a staying object is detected (SD5Link camera)
CDRT: Displayed when a object moving to the specified direction is detected (SD5Link camera)
CTRM: Displayed when a camera terminal alarm occurred (SD5Link camera)
CSCD: Displayed when an interference with the camera is detected (SD5Link camera)
PRE: Pre-event recording