Operations of the software keyboard for time and date entry
When it is necessary to designate time and date such as when searching for images recorded at the specified
time and date, use the software keyboard for time and date entry that can be displayed by clicking the icon
on the right of the console.
The software keyboard for time and date entry can be operated as follows.
Operations of the software keyboard for character entry
When it is necessary to enter characters such as when setting the camera titles on the setup menu, use the
software keyboard for character entry that can be displayed by clicking the icon on the right of the console.
Step 1
Set time and date (year, month, day, time) by clicking
[C] and [D] provided for each of them.
It is also possible to set time and date by clicking the
Step 2
Click the [Enter] button.
→ The set time and date will be applied and the soft-
ware keyboard for time and date entry will close.
Functions of each button on the right of the software keyboard are as follows.
[← →] button
Moves the cursor to the right and left in the console
on the upper side of the keyboard.
[Del] button
Deletes a character on the cursor in the console.
[A/a] button
Changes the letter entry mode of the keyboard
between the capital letter entry, the lower-case letter
entry and the mark entry.
• Whenthe[Currenttime]buttonisclicked,thecur-
rent time and date will be entered.
• Itispossibletomovethetimeanddateforward/
backward faster by holding down the [D] or [C]