Glossary-53000-A2-GA31-80 December 1994
Rear Connector Plate Used with modular DSUs and modems. A connector plate is installed onto the rear
of the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier. It contains two DTE connectors and
functions as an interface between the modular DSU or dial/lease modem and the
Service Line An additional capability for DDD NIMs. This feature permits an extra dial line to
be connected to a COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier. It can be used for NIMs or as
a backup line when the primary line goes down.
Shared Diagnostic
Control Panel
A feature that allows carrier-mounted DSUs and modems to share the same
diagnostic control panel. Installed at eye level into one COMSPHERE 3000 Series
Carrier, it controls and monitors the DSUs and modems in all the carriers in the
cabinet. A single SDCP can control up to 8 carriers, with a total of 128 DSUs (and
if present, 128 DBMs) and modems.
Shared Diagnostic Unit
A circuit card that plugs into a dedicated slot in the COMSPHERE 3000 Series
Carrier to provide the shared diagnostic control panel and network management
interfaces to the DSUs in the carrier. It translates the network management protocol
to the devices in the carrier and routes incoming messages to the appropriate slots.
Speaker Panel An optional component that can be installed on the carrier to provide audio
monitoring of any Model 3811 or 3911 dial/lease modem.
switched 56 kbps
digital service
A service provided by local exchange and interexchange carriers (LECs and IECs)
that allow customers to use high-speed switched digital data capability without
having to subscribe to private network services.
System Controller An AT&T DATAPHONE II NMS that uses the DATAPHONE II protocol.
tail circuit See extended network.
Time Division Multiplexer
A circuit card that enables the simultaneous transmission of multiple independent
channels (point-to-point only) into a single high-speed outbound data stream.
Multiplexing is done by dividing the signal into successive alternate bits.
tributary A DSU or modem that is, for diagnostic purposes, at a logically subsidiary level in
a hierarchical network. Tributary DSUs or modems in a network receive control
data from the control DSU or modem, as well as from any network management
system present in the network.
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
USOC Universal Service Ordering Codes
6700 Series Network
Management System
An AT&T Paradyne automated network management system for the Model 3611
DSUs, Models 3811 and 3911 modems, and other devices that allow an operator to
monitor network conditions, analyze problems, and take restorative measures from
a single personal computer (PC) workstation. This NMS operates in a Microsoft
Windows graphic environment.
6800 Series Network
Management System
An AT&T Paradyne automated network management system for the Model 3611
DSUs, Models 3811 and 3911 modems, and other devices that allows an operator to
monitor network conditions, analyze problems, and take restorative measures.