COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier
3-44 December 1994 3000-A2-GA31-80
NIM Installation
To install the NIM providing the dial interface for the
dial backup devices (DBMs), dial/lease modems, or the
switched 56 kbps network interface for either the 2-wire
or 4-wire Switched 56 DBM:
1. For Slots 1–8, seat the NIM on connectors P23
and P24 on the rear of the carrier (Figure 3-31).
2. Use the four screws provided with the module to
secure it to the carrier.
3. Connect a 50-pin mass termination line cable to
the module. Secure the cable with the cable tie that
is provided.
4. For the dial interface, connect the line side of the
cable to the dial circuit terminations assigned to
the DBMs and dial/lease modems in carrier
Slots 1–8 (Figure 3-32).
For the switched 56 kbps network interface,
connect the line side of the cable to the switched
56 kbps circuit terminations assigned to the
Switched 56 DBM in carrier Slots 1–8
(Figure 3-32).
If the NIM is equipped with two 6-position
Service Line modular connectors (for use with
dial/lease modems), connect the line side of the
cable to the proper dial line or NIM modular
connector (refer to Figure 3-31). The modular
plugs are labeled 1 through 8, and they correspond
to the devices in those carrier slot positions. For
example, modular plug 1 is wired for the device in
Slot 1; for Slots 9 through 16, modular plug 1 is
wired for the device in Slot 9.
5. If any DBMs, DBM-Vs, DBM-Ss, DBM-Ds, or
dial/lease modems are to be installed in
Slots 9–16, repeat Steps 1 through 4 for a second
NIM, seating it on connectors P25 and P26 on the
rear of the carrier.
Figure 3-31. Network Interface Module