COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier
3-24 December 1994 3000-A2-GA31-80
To install the SDU in its dedicated slot in the carrier
(Slot 0):
1. Set the carrier address DIP switches (S2-1, S2-2,
and S2-3) on the rear of the card, as specified in
Table 3-4. Note that each carrier in a cabinet
mounting must have a unique address (Switch S2).
a. For a single carrier, leave the switches set for
Carrier 1, which is the factory default.
b. To populate a new cabinet with an NMS
control channel dedicated to DSUs, use the
Carrier 1 setting for the first carrier, usually at
the bottom of the cabinet. Use the Carrier 2
setting for the next carrier up from the bottom.
Continue to the Carrier 6 setting, if necessary,
for the top carrier. If there are more than eight
carriers in a single installation, continue with
the Carrier 7 and Carrier 8 settings for the
second cabinet. The next COMSPHERE
3000 Series Carrier is numbered 1, but is on a
different control channel.
c. To add a COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier to
an existing control channel, use Table 3-5 to
determine the new carrier’s address provided
the DSU’s software version (DSU SW ver) is
less than 4.25. (When the DMC protocol is
used, the ANALYSIS system calculates the
carrier address automatically so you can enter
it.) The limitations shown in Table 3-5 do not
apply when the DSU SW version is 4.25 or
d. Write the carrier number on the slot label for
the SDU (slot labels are located under each
slot on the SDCP or cover plate).
2. Set the protocol DIP switches (S1-1 and S1-2) on
the rear of the circuit card to the protocol required
(Table 3-6). If connecting to a network control
channel, set the CC option. If connecting to the
diagnostic channel of an upstream device
(modem), set the DC option.
Table 3-4
Carrier Address DIP Switches
Carrier Address
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S2 – 4 — — — — — — — —
S2 – 3 Off Off Off Off ON ON ON ON
S2 – 2 Off Off ON ON Off Off ON ON
S2 – 1 Off ON Off ON Off ON Off ON
Factory default setting:
ON is to the left as you face the rear of the carrier.
Off is to the right.