Glossary-33980-A2-GB30-20 November 1996
character A letter, figure, number, punctuation, or other symbols.
character echo
A way to check the accuracy of data transmission by sending (displaying) all the
characters being transmitted to the monitor.
circuit pack lock A screw lock tab installed over a circuit card’s latch release tab to prevent the unit from
being removed without a tool. It is used on SDUs, modems, and filler panels.
Class 1 fax
A fax modem standard. Under Class 1 computer software handles most of the protocol,
compression, and conversion tasks.
Class 2 fax
A fax modem standard. Under Class 2 the modem handles most of the protocol,
compression, and conversion tasks as well as modulation, leaving the computer free for
other work.
command line Contains the command(s) instructing the modem to perform a function. Command lines
begin with the AT prefix (unless disabled), and are executed when you press the Return
Command mode One of two general modem operating modes. When in Command mode, the modem
accepts commands instead of transmitting or receiving data.
configuration area One of five areas within the Configure branch containing modem settings. Configuration
areas include Active (Operating), Active (Saved), Customer 1, Customer 2, and Factory.
configuration option Modem software that sets specific operating parameters for the modem. Sometimes
referred to as straps.
Configure Top-Level menu branch that contains all the modem’s configuration options.
An outlet on equipment and cables that provides a connection.
Canadian Standards Association.
CTS Clear-to-Send. A signal indicating that the modem is ready for the DTE to transmit data.
Customer 1
A user
-defined configuration area containing customized configuration options for a
specific application.
Customer 2
A user
-defined configuration area containing customized configuration options for a
specific application.
data bank An area within the modem used to store the modem’s firmware. 3800Plus
modems have
two data banks.
data carrier
A continuous frequency signal that can be modulated by another signal that contains
information to be transmitted.
data compression The elimination of empty fields, redundancies, and gaps in order to reduce storage
capacity needs and the amount of data to be transmitted. Anything that is eliminated is
restored after the data is received.
Data mode One of two general modem operating modes. When in Data mode, the modem transmits
and receives data instead of accepting commands.