COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
Glossary-8 November 1996 3980-A2-GB30-20
SDCP Shared Diagnostic Control Panel. An optional user interface similar to the front panel of
a 3810
Plus modem that attaches to the front of a COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier.
Installed at eye level into one COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier, it controls and
monitors modems in all the carriers in the cabinet. A single SDCP can control up to
8 carriers, with a total of 128 modems.
SDU Shared Diagnostic Unit. A circuit card installed in Slot 0 of the COMSPHERE 3000
Series Carrier that provides an interface between an optional SDCP and/or network
management and 381
Select key
An SDCP key that allows the selection of a specific card slot in the COMSPHERE
3000 Series Carrier.
serial transmission
A way of transmitting data in which bits are sent sequentially one at a time.
Shared Diagnostic Unit
A circuit card that plugs into a dedicated slot in the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier to
provide the SDCP and network management interfaces to the dial modems in the carrier.
It translates the network management protocol to the devices in the carrier and routes
incoming messages to the appropriate slots.
S-Registers Registers that contains information affecting the modem parameters. All S-Registers
must be preceded by the A
T prefix.
Sync Dial A factory preset configuration area containing configuration options most often used in
synchronous dial networks.
Data transmission that is synchronized by timing signals. Characters are sent at a fixed
rate. This type of transmission is more ef
ficient than asynchronous transmission.
ter Latin for ‘‘thrice’’ Used to distinguish the third version of a standard from other versions;
e.g., V
.27 ter.
See V
tone dialing
One of two dialing methods, in which telephone numbers are sent as tones across the
telephone lines.
Top-Level menu The very top of the menu tree that displays modem status and all Top-Level menu
A process where two modems try to establish a connection over the VF line.
UL Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.
A factory preset configuration area containing the configuration options most often used
in a UNIXr dial network.
USOC Universal Service Ordering Codes.
VF Voice Frequency. The part of the audio frequency range used to transmit voice sound
(usually 300 Hz to 3400 Hz). This band is used by the modem for its modulated signal.
V.17 A fax communications standard for modems operating half-duplex with synchronous
data at 14,400 bps.