COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
8-10 November 1996 3980-A2-GB30-20
Table 8-1
(4 of 7)
DTE Interface Configuration Options
DSR Control: Forced_On
Nxt Forced_On Stndrd_RS232 WinkWhenDisc Follows_DTR On_Early Delay_ToData DialBkToggle
Data Data Set Ready Control. DSR is a signal from the modem to the DTE indicating the modem is connected and ready
for operation.
Forced On – Forces DSR output ON constantly. This is usually used for leased-line applications and when the DTE
requires DSR to always be ON.
Standard RS232 – Allows the modem to control DSR to the DTE. The modem raises DSR when it begins the
handshake process. DSR lowers upon disconnect. The modem is not ready to receive data until DSR, CTS, and LSD
are active.
An ON state indicates to the DTE that the modem is ready to receive data. An Off state indicates that the modem is not
ready to receive data, and the DTE will not send data to the modem. During a Local Analog Loop and a Remote Digital
Loop, DSR is ON.
Wink When Disconnect – DSR is normally forced ON, but is turned Off for 1 to 2 seconds upon a disconnect.
Follows DTR – When the modem receives DTR from the DTE, it sends DSR to the DTE.
On Early – DSR is low when the modem is in the idle state. DSR goes high immediately upon a command to enter Data
mode. This setting is required for some modem pooling applications.
Delay to Data – Operation is similar to the Standard RS232 setting except that DSR does not turn ON until the modem
enters Data mode. Normally, the modem raises DSR when it begins the handshaking process.
Use this setting when the DTE cannot operate with a long DSR-to-CTS delay (common for V.32bis modulation) or when
dial access security is enabled and requires a DTE-side password entry. Often, the DTE cannot accept the long delay
between DSR and CTS turning ON due to the remote user entering the DTE-side password.
Dial Backup Toggle – DSR is turned Off during a dial backup attempt in Leased mode, and ON when such an attempt
completes. DSR is also turned Off when a disconnect begins, and turned ON when the disconnect is complete.
For Async Dial and UNIX Dial, Forced_On is the factory default.
For Sync Dial and Sync Leased, Stndrd_RS232 is the factory default.
AT command equivalent is &S