Immediate Only
Immediate only commands are:
C, K, S, R(RB), R(UF), R(DF) and R(ST)
The controller acts upon these commands as soon as they are received.
Immediate or Buffered
Immediate or buffered commands are immediate unless command execution is being
delayed or command queuing is enabled whilst moving, in which case the command is
buffered. When command execution is being delayed, that is awaiting the results of a trigger
command or waiting for a pause or time delay to finish, interrogation commands can be sent
and get executed immediately. Consequently, the report of such commands as 1IS, 1R(ST),
1R(UF), 1A etc. is correct. However, if a buffered type of command is sent (such as G or
1A10) the buffered command just sent and any other interrogation commands get buffered
and will not report back until the trigger, time delay or pause is finished. In this situation
‘Immediate only’ commands can be executed.
1R(EI) ;read encoder input
1IS ;read input status
*01111 ;
1TR(IN,=,X0X01) ;input trigger false
1A50 ;send buffered command
1R(EI) ;report commands are now delayed until the trigger
1IS ;command is complete
1R(RB) ;an exception R(RB) is always immediate
*1 ;busy
(Trigger becomes true, 1A50 actioned)
*2 ;report commands completed, EO=2
*00001 ;new input status reported
Can be used in labelled block
Means it is possible to include the command within a labelled program block. Running the
labelled block code will execute the command. Note, if power is removed from the controller
without sending a save (SV) command the program and its labelled block will be lost.