Table of System Variables
Table 4-2 lists system variables in alphabetic order together with their read/write status and
range of values stored.
Var Name R W Range/default value
AB Analogue
Y Y 0 to +255, default = 0
AI Analogue Input Y N -2047 to +2047
AO Analogue Offset Y Y -2047 to +2047, default = 0
BR BAUD rate Y Y 9600 or 19200 bits per second (9600 default)
BU Buffer usage Y N 0 to 100% of program buffer used
CQ Command queuing Y Y 1= Pauses until move complete (default)
0= continuous execution
DC Damping
Y Y 0 = settling time damping OFF (default)
1 = settling time damping ON
DF Drive Fault status Y N See below:
DF1 Drive Fault status Y N First byte of 32-bit DF variable
DF2 Drive Fault status Y N Second byte of 32-bit DF variable
DF3 Drive Fault status Y N Third byte of 32-bit DF variable
DF4 Drive Fault status Y N Fourth byte of 32-bit DF variable
EI Encoder Input Y Y 0=step/dir, 1=cw/ccw, 2=quad ABZ, de-energise drive
to change
EM Encoder count per
Y Y 1 to 4200000 (default 4000)
EO Encoder signal
Y Y 0=step/dir, 1=cw/ccw, 2=quad ABZ, de-energise drive
to change
EQ Echo Queuing Y Y 0=normal, 1=wait for <CR>, 2=cmd response only
ES Energise Sense Y Y Sets the sense of the external enable/shutdown_bar
0=low signal to enable
1=high signal to enable
EX Comms. Response
Style & Echo
Control & Physical
Interface (RS232)
Y Y 0= speak when spoken to, echo off, default for RS485
1= speak whenever, echo off
2= speak when spoken to, echo on
3= speak whenever, echo on, default for RS232
Table 4-2. List of System Variables