Feed Rate Override
Syntax Units Range of ‘n’ Default See also
aFRATEn - 0 or 1 0 M
Description Feed Rate Override, the FRATE command, is used together with the
analogue input to scale the peak velocity of the drive (V). The purpose of
the command is to allow the speed of the process being performed by the
drive to be controlled by a single external analogue signal. The signal is
sampled at the start of each move and is used to scale the target velocity.
The resolution of the control is 1% (0.1V) of the analogue input voltage
range (10V = 100%). If the analogue voltage drops below a level equivalent
to 1% of the target peak velocity (the velocity being requested by the
analogue input voltage), the value used will be taken as 1% of the user set
peak velocity (velocity set by the V command). This is applied to values as
low as 0.01rps, the minimum velocity allowed.
Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, saved by SV
Example 1ON ; energise the drive
1V30 ; set the user peak velocity as 30rps
1FRATE1 ; enable feed rate override
At this stage, apply an analogue voltage (say 1.85V) to the differential analogue input.
The actual velocity used is given by:
(rounded down (analogue input X 10) X user set peak velocity)
(1.85 X 10) X 30 = (1.8 X 10) X 30 = 5.40rps
100 100
Note: If the calculated result is less than 1% the value used is held at 1%.
In the example shown above, because of the rounding down, an input
voltage of 1.89V would also give a speed of 5.40rps.
A unipolar input signal is required (0 to +10V), any voltage with a negative
polarity will be regarded as 1% of full scale value.