
Pelican Water Systems
877-842-1635, www.pelicanwater.com
Congratula ons on your purchase of the PRO-RO six stage reverse osmosis system. The PRO-RO features a four-stage
pre lter, membrane and pos ilter housed in a single cartridge. The nal two stages consist of a granular ac vated carbon
polishing lter and a calcite remineralizing lter.
When properly maintained, this system will provide you with years of trouble-free service. The next sec ons contain
important informa on on the proper care and maintenance of your system, please take a few minutes to read through this
informa on.
The cartridges in this system must be replaced on a regular basis to maintain e ciency and to ensure high water quality.
These cartridges work together and must be replaced every 6-12 months. Any signi cant change in performance of the
system should be inves gated promptly to avoid secondary damage or deteriora on to other parts of the system.
CAUTION: Improperly installed systems could result in water damage due to leaks or ooding. Proper installa on of this
system requires familiarity with standard sink plumbing and proper use of common hand and power tools. If you are not
familiar with standard sink plumbing and proper use of common hand and power tools or have any di culty with the
installa on of this system, consult a licensed professional, such as a contractor or plumber.
NOTE: This system has been designed for installa on by licensed professionals, such as a contractor or plumber.
Introduc on to the PRO-RO
Stage Descrip on
4-Stage Cartridge
1) 20 micron sediment pre lter
2) Granular ac vated carbon (GAC) pre lter
3) Reverse osmosis membrane
4) Granular ac vated carbon pos ilter
18 months 104863
Granular ac vated carbon (GAC) and calcite
(remineraliza on) pos ilter
6-12 months 104851