
Chapter 13
13-54 Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual REF 1057983 A
Options and Accessories
MIP/P0.1 Maneuver The MIP/P0.1 screen (Figure 13.J4) allows you to perform a Maximum
Inspiratory Pressure (MIP) or occlusion pressure at 100 ms (P0.1) maneuver.
It displays the maneuver results graphically and numerically. The MIP
maneuver is available only in VCV and PCV. It is not available in NPPV.
How to perform an MIP or P0.1 maneuver
1. Enter the MIP/P0.1 screen: touch the Mechanics icon button, then
2. MIP maneuver: hold down the Start MIP Press & Hold button, and
instruct the patient to inhale several times as forcefully as possible.
The maneuver automatically ends after 30 seconds or when you
release the Start MIP Press & Hold button. (The Start MIP Press &
Hold button can be pressed and held at any time during a breath. If
pressed during the inhalation phase of a breath, the MIP maneuver
will be executed during the exhalation phase of that breath. If pressed
during an exhalation, the maneuver will be executed during the same
P0.1 maneuver: touch the Start P0.1 button. A message above the
graphic display shows the results for the just-completed breath. The
maneuver automatically ends after four preselected patient-initiated
breaths have occurred or one minute has elapsed, whichever comes
3. Once touched, either one of the Start buttons changes to Stop. The
Stop button allows you to cancel the maneuver at any time. A high-
priority alarm also cancels the maneuver.
4. At the end of a successful maneuver, a pop-up screen displays the
result of the maneuver and asks you to accept or reject the results by
touching the Accept or Reject button.
Information type Description
Flow-Volume or Volume-
Time button
Flow-Volume: Displays a real-time flow-volume loop.
Volume-Time: Displays a real-time volume-time waveform.
Start button Starts the maneuver. Changes to Stop when the maneuver is started.
Changes to Continue when the maneuver is complete or when the Stop
button is touched. Changes to Start when Continue is touched.
Vital Capacity window Displays the most recently accepted VC maneuver results. The date
and time of the maneuver appear below the window.
Scale (button at left of
graphic display)
Allows you to adjust graphic scales manually. The default scales for the
Vital Capacity screen are –1000 to +1500 mL for volume, -100 to
+100 LPM for flow. Default scales are in effect every time you enter
the Vital Capacity screen.
Rescale button Allows software to adjust the vertical scales for waveforms and vertical
and horizontal scales for loops.
Table 13-5: Summary of Vital Capacity Screen Information