Glossary-6 Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual REF 1057983 A
Pressure Sensitivity a measure of the amount of negative pressure that must be
generated by a patient to trigger a mechanical ventilator into the inspiratory
phase; alternatively, the mechanism used to set or control this level.
Pressure Trigger initiation of inspiration when the patients inspiratory effort
exceeds the sensitivity threshold.
Sensor Tee An external oxygen sensor adapter made of polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). This O
Sensor Tee is gray in color and cannot be autoclaved or
chemically disinfected.
Rapid Shallow Breathing Index (F/V
) used to evaluate the adequacy of the
patients spontaneous ventilation. It is calculated by as shown below
= (Spont Rate)/(Spont VE)
Resistance The pressure drop across a pneumatic device (i.e. bacteria filter,
patient circuit tubing) for a unit of flow when the volume of the device remains
constant, i.e., (cmH
O (hPa))/mL/sec.
Risetime the time required for a pressure support or pressure controlled breath
to reach its target pressure.
RS-232 ANSI standard for communication.
Spontaneous Respiratory Rate (Spont Rate) the average rate of the spontaneous
breaths in the last eight breaths delivered by the ventilator.
Spontaneous Volume Exhaled (Spont E) the exhaled volume that would come
from spontaneous breaths, projected over one minute. The calculation is done
by averaging the spontaneous exhaled tidal volume from the last eight breaths
and projecting what that volume would be if it continued for one minute.
Tidal Volume (Tidal Vol) the volume of patient gas as measured at the
exhalation flow transducer. The display shows an average unless the current
breath differs substantially from the average. When there is a substantial
change, the current breath is displayed. The average for tidal volume is
restarted when the operator changes the tidal volume setting and the machine
is delivering mandatory breaths.
Time Trigger initiation of inspiration by the ventilator according to the
respiratory frequency (Rate) setting.
Total Respiratory Rate (Total RR) the total breaths taken, spontaneous breath
rate + mandatory breath rate, from the last eight breaths and projecting what
that rate would be if it continued for one minute.
Total Volume Exhaled (Total E) the total exhaled volume that would come from
all the patient’s breaths, projected over one minute. The calculation is done by
averaging the total exhaled tidal volume from the last eight breaths and
projecting what that volume would be if it continued for one minute. This value
is updated at the end of each exhalation.