Chapter 13
13-74 Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual REF 1057983 A
Options and Accessories
Using the Manual
Rescale Function
The Manual rescale buttons (Figure 13-36) allow you to adjust the vertical
scale for most waveforms. Press the top half of the scale to change the upper
limit, and the bottom half of the scale to change the lower limit. A pop-up
window allows you to adjust the scale. Press the Cancel button to exit the pop-
up window without making changes, or press Accept to select the new value
and exit the pop-up window.
Figure 13-36: Manually Rescaling a Vertical Axis on the Trending Screen
Changing the Cursor
The Cursor arrow buttons (Figure 13-36) allow you to adjust the position of the
cursor for all three waveforms. You can also turn the knob to adjust the cursor
The data display window for each waveform shows the value of the data at the
time indicated by the cursor position. A window at the bottom of the screen
shows the time reflective of the cursor position.
Alarms are represented as active or inactive. To see which alarm was active at
a given time, move the cursor to that time. Up to three alarms that were active
appear in the data display window. They appear in order of priority.
Maneuvers display the value obtained when the maneuver was performed. No
data is displayed for times when the maneuver was not performed.
window for