Edit Your Workout Program
To add an exercise session select Program >
EDIT > Weekly Exercises > ADD. Enter
Duration. Press DOWN to view the added
exercise session's heart rate intensity zones.
To edit the duration of an exercise session in
program select Program > EDIT > Weekly
Exercises > The exercise you wish to edit.
Select YES to EDIT DURATION?. Adjust the
duration and press OK.
When you edit your programmed exercises, the
rest of the data regarding that exercise session
and your weekly exercise targets are
automatically updated.
To delete an exercise session select Program >
EDIT > Weekly Exercises > The exercise you
wish to delete.
Press and hold LIGHT. Select YES to DELETE
After you have deleted an exercise session, you
cannot restore it!
To turn your workout program on/off, select
Program > SETTINGS > ON/OFF.
When your program is switched off, it remains in
the memory but the exercise targets do not show
in the Diary view and you cannot select program
exercise sessions in the Exercise menu.
Empty > Create a program.
Before Exercise 13