Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences
Polycom, Inc. 5-19
To define a Dial-in Participant as the cascade link:
This participant is added to the ongoing conference on the Slave MCU.
1 In the Participants list, click the New Participant button( ).
The New Participant - General dialog box opens.
2 Define the following parameters:
3 Click the Advanced tab.
Table 5-1 New Participant – Dial-out Cascade Link
Field Description
Display Name Enter the participant name
Dialing Direction Select Dial-in.
Type Select H.323.
IP Address If a gatekeeper is used: This field is left empty.
If a gatekeeper is not used: Enter the IP address of the Signaling
Host of the MCU running the other conference.
Alias Name If a gatekeeper is used: Enter the Alias of the MCU running the
other (second) conference.
If a gatekeeper is not used: This field is left empty.
Alias Type Select E.164 (digits 0-9, *, #).