Appendix H-Setting the MCU for Integration Into Microsoft Environment
Polycom, Inc. H-5
Remote - a connection between MCU that resides within the organization and an endpoint
that resides outside of the organization (on a WAN). For example, an endpoint on the
internet that calls the MCU in Zone A. In such a case, the call has to traverse at least one
Federation - a connection between MCU that resides within one organization and an
endpoint that resides within another organization. For example, an endpoint in Zone A calls
the MCU in Zone B. The call has to traverse two or more firewalls.
Dialing Methods
The ICE protocol enables remote and federation connections using the registered user name
for dialing. The endpoint connects to the MCU by entering the MCU registered user name in
the following format:
[MCU registered user name]@[OCS/Lync server domain name]
For example: rmx111@ilsnd.vsg.local
The call reaches the Transit Entry Queue of the MCU and via IVR is routed to the
destination conference.
This method is added to the local connections and Matched URI and Numerical Dialing
methods available in Microsoft Office Communication environment and the Numerical
Dialing method available in the Lync server environment.
The following table summarizes the dialing methods and its availability in the various
* To enable the Matched URI dialing in the federated environment to be able to connect to the MCU
SIP signaling domain, you must also configure the Office Communications Server/Lync Server.
When federating an Office Communications Server/Lync Edge server with another Office
Communications Server/Lync server environment, you need to include the FQDN of the
Office Communications Server/Lync Edge server as well as the SIP signaling domain for
federated environment. The SIP signaling domain is the FQDN of the Polycom DMA system
or a Polycom MCU system (when your deployment does not include a DMA system).
For example, if company B wants to set up federation with company A and receive and send
SIP calls that will be handled by the Polycom SIP signaling domain in company A, you need
to add the FQDN of the company A Office Communications Server domain as well as the
SIP signaling domain of company A to the list of internal SIP Server domains supported by
the company B Office Communications Server/Lync Server environment.
For more information, see the Microsoft documentation and the Polycom® Unified
Communications Deployment Guide for Microsoft® Environments.
Table H-3 Available dialing methods per Connection Type
Matched URI Routing Numerical Dialing Registered User Name
Branch office X
Remote X
Federation X