Chapter 16-Network Services
Polycom, Inc. 16-23
The network service Properties dialog box is displayed.
19 Modify the following fields:
20 Click the OK button.
Table 16-13 Network Service - V35 tab
Field Description
V35 Gateway IP
Enter the Management IP address of the management interface of the
Serial Gateway. For more information see the Polycom RealPresence
Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Deployment Guide for
Maximum Security Environments, "Deploying a Polycom RMX™ Serial
Gateway S4GW” on page 19-29.
Username Enter the User Name that the RMX uses to log in to the management
interface of the Serial Gateway.
Password Enter the Password that the RMX uses to log in to management
interface of the Serial Gateway.
When updating the parameters of the SIP Server in the IP Network Service - SIP Servers dialog box,
the RMX must be reset to implement the change.