Configuration Files
A - 107
• User Preferences <user_preferences/>
Registration <reg/>
SoundPoint IP 301, 320, 330, and 430 support a maximum of two unique
registrations, SoundPoint IP 501 supports three, the SoundPoint IP 550 and 560
supports four, and SoundPoint IP 600, 601, 650, and 670 support six. Up to
three SoundPoint IP Expansion Modules can be added to a single host
SoundPoint IP 601 and 650 phone increasing the total number of buttons to 12
registrations on the IP 601 and 34 registrations on the IP 650. Each registration
can optionally be associated with a private array of servers for completely
segregated signaling. The SoundStation IP 4000, 6000, and 7000 supports a
single registration.
In the following table, x is the registration number. IP 301, 320, 330, 430: x=1-2;
IP 501: x=1-3; IP 550, 560: x=1-4; IP 600: x=1-6; IP 601: x=1-12;
IP 650, 670: x=1-34; IP 4000: x=1; IP 6000: x=1; IP 7000: x=1.
Default Interpretation
reg.x.csta 0, 1 Null If set to 1, uaCSTA is enabled.
is not Null, this attribute
overrides the global CSTA flag in the sip.cfg
configuration file.
reg.x.displayName UTF-8 encoded
Null Display name used for local user interface as
well as SIP signaling.
reg.x.address string in the format
userPart from
Null The user part or the user and the host part of
the phone’s SIP URI.
The user part of the phone's SIP URI. For
example, reg.x.address=”1002” from
1002@polycom.com or
reg.x.label UTF-8 encoded
Null Text label to appear on the display adjacent
to the associated line key. If omitted, the label
will be derived from the user part of
reg.x.lcs 0, 1 0 If set to 1, the Microsoft Live Communications
Server is supported for registration x.
reg.x.type private OR shared private If set to private, use standard call signaling.
If set to shared, augment call signaling with
call state subscriptions and notifications and
use access control for outgoing calls.
reg.x.thirdPartyName string in the same
format as
Null This field must match the
value of the other registration which makes
up the bridged line appearance (BLA). It must
be Null in all other cases.