Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
C - 20
• On the SoundPoint IP 320/330 phone, CallPickup and ParkedPickup refer
to the same function. On other phones, CallPickup refers to the soft key
function that provides the menu with separate soft keys for parked
pickup, directed pickup, and group pickup.
• Some functions depend on the feature being enabled. For example,
BuddyStatus and MyStatus require the presence feature to be enabled.
• Hard key remappings do not require the Enhanced Feature key feature to
be enabled. This include the SpeedDial function.
• The table below shows only Line1 to Line6 functions. For the SoundPoint
IP 602, 650, and 670 phones with attached Expansion Modules, Line7 to
Line48 functions are also supported.
Label Function
ACDAvailable ACDAvailableFromIdle
ACDLogin ACDLoginLogout
ACDLogout ACDLoginLogout
ACDUnavailable ACDAvailableFromIdle
Answer Answer Call screen only
Applications Main Browser
ArrowDown ArrowDown
ArrowLeft ArrowLeft
ArrowRight ArrowRight
ArrowUp ArrowUp
BargeIn BargInShowAppearances, BargeIn Call screen only
BuddyStatus Buddy Status
Callers Callers
CallList Call Lists
CallPark ParkEntry Call screen only
CallPickup CallPickupEntry Call screen only
Conference ConferenceCall Call screen only
Delete Delete
Dialpad0 Dialpad0
Dialpad1 Dialpad1
Dialpad2 Dialpad2