Index – 3
configuration file example 4–62
connected party identification 4–5
consultative transfers 4–18
context sensitive volume control 4–5
corporate directory 4–35, A–69, A–92
custom certificates 4–81
customizable audio sound effects 4–5
customizable fonts and indicators 4–29
daisy-chaining phones 4–38
date and time <datetime> A–25
default feature key layouts C–12
default password 3–5, 4–83, C–11, C–27
deploying phones from the boot server 3–14
device <device> A–124
secondary server 3–3
DHCP INFORM 3–3, 3–7, 3–8
DHCP menu 3–7
DHCP or manual TCP/IP setup 3–2
diagnostics, phone 5–9
dial plan <dialplan> A–17
digit map
default A–20
examples A–18
match and replace A–18
digit map <digitmap> A–117
directed call pick-up 4–21
directory <dir> A–68
distinctive call waiting 4–7
distinctive incoming call treatment 4–6
distinctive ringing 4–7
diversion A–114
DND. See also do not disturb
DNS cache <dns> A–100
DNS SIP server name resolution 4–57
do not disturb 4–8
do not disturb <dnd> A–112, A–116
downloadable fonts 4–31
DTMF event RTP payload 4–75
DTMF tone generation 4–75
DTMF. See also dual tone multi-frequency
dual tone multi-frequency <DMTF> A–28
dynamic noise reduction 4–80
electronic hookswitch, supported 4–9, A–123
emergency <emergency> A–21, A–119
emergency routing A–21, A–119
encryption <encryption> A–89
enhanced feature keys 4–40, A–92
definition language 4–40
examples 4–47
macro definitions 4–44
useful tips 4–46
Ethernet IEEE 802.1p/Q A–55
Ethernet menu 3–11
feature <feature> A–92
feature licensing 4–19, 4–34, 4–37, 4–79, A–93
list of
finder <finder> A–94
flash parameter configuration A–124
flash parameter. See also device
fonts <font> A–72
forward all <fwd> A–114
gains <gain> A–42
graphic display backgrounds 4–16, A–77
graphic icons <gi> A–83
group call pick-up 4–22
handset, headset, and speakerphone 4–8
hands-free, disabled A–27
hold <hold> A–67
idle display <idleDisplay> A–96
idle display animation 4–15
incoming signaling validation 4–82
indicator classes <class> A–82
indicators A–80
assignments A–82
installing SIP application 3–14
instant messaging 4–30
IP TOS call control <callControl> A–58
IP_400 font A–74