Chapter 20-MCU Administration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 20-49
4 Select check boxes of the information to be collected.
5 In the Export Path field, click the Browse button and navigate to the directory path
where the compressed file is to be saved.
6 Click the Collect Information button.
A progress indicator is displayed in the Information Collector dialog box while the file is
being created.
Step 2: Saving the Compressed File
1 The compressed file is automatically saved in the directory selected in the Information
Collector dialog box. The file is named info.tgz.
A success information box is displayed.
2 Click the OK button.
Step 3: Viewing the Compressed File
The compressed file is saved in .tgz format and can be viewed with any utility that can open
files of that format, for example WinRAR® 3.80.
To view the compressed file:
1 Navigate to the directory on the workstation in which the file was saved.
2 Double click the info.tgz file to view the downloaded information.
An Auditor is a user who can view Auditor and CDR files for system auditing purposes.
The Event Auditor enables administrators and auditors to analyze configuration changes and
unusual or malicious activities in the Collaboration Server system.
Auditor operates in real time, recording all administration activities and login attempts from
the following Collaboration Server modules:
• Control Unit
• Shelf Manager
For a full list of monitored activities, see Table 20-26 on page 20-54 and Table 20-27 on
page 20-56.
The Auditor must always be active in the system. A System Alert is displayed if it becomes
inactive for any reason.
Some browsers save the file as info.gz due to a browser bug. If this occurs, the file must be
manually renamed to info.tgz before it can be viewed.
The Auditor user must connect to the Collaboration Server using the Collaboration Server Web
Client only.