136 PIXIS System Manual Version 2.C
Technical support 132
control problems 87
operating 95
specifications 95
thermal cutout switch 87
Temperature control 57
effect of vacuum deterioration 88
Temperature lock 58
Thermal cutout switch 87
Timing control 74
Timing modes 68
Trigger modes
multiple trigger (Kinetics) 80
single trigger (Kinetics) 79
acquisition start but viewer contents do not update 84
baseline change 84
camera stops working 84
controller not responding 86
air in hoses 86
low coolant 86
data loss 88
data overrun (hardware conflict) 88
data overrun message 89
Device is not found message 89
Device is Occupied 90
DMA buffer size 88
Error Creating Controller message 90
serial violation 88
Serial Violations message 92
shutter failure 90
Troubleshooting (cont.)
temperature lock 88
vacuum deterioration 88
USB 2.0
cable 16
data overrun 89
Vacuum deterioration 88
Ventilation requirements 15
Vertical shift rate 82
cleaning 11
protective grounding 10
replacement power cord 10
touching the CCD array 10
image intensifier detector 130
one year 129
one year on refurbished/discontinued products 129
owner's manual and troubleshooting 131
sealed chamber 130
software 130
vacuum integrity 130
XP vacuum chamber 129
x-ray detector 130
your responsibility 131
Website 132
Well capacity 58
blooming 58
restrictions on hardware binning 62
saturation 58
Wizard, Camera Detection 29