Chapter 4 System Setup 33
Connecting an External Shutter
Disconnecting or connecting the shutter cable to the camera while the camera is ON can destroy
the shutter or the shutter driver in the camera!
Typically, PIXIS cameras for imaging applications are shipped with an internal shutter.
The 25 or 45 mm internal shutter (depending on the CCD array size) is housed in the
main body. Typically, cameras for spectroscopy applications do not incorporate internal
shutter. However, for cameras without an internal shutter, there is provision for
connecting an external 25 or 45 mm shutter (supplied by Princeton Instruments) at the
Shutter connector on the rear of the PIXIS.
1. DO NOT connect a Princeton Instruments-supplied external shutter when there is an
installed internal shutter. Permanent damage to the shutter driver may occur.
2. Electromechanical shutters typically have a lifetime of about a million cycles. Avoid
running the shutter unnecessarily.
3. A shutter can become overheated when short, rapidly repeated exposures are used or if
the shutter is held open for an extended period of time. Newer versions of the
WinView/WinSpec software and camera hardware monitor the temperature of 45 mm
internal shutters to prevent overheating conditions. The temperature of external
shutters is NOT monitored!
External Shutter
A Princeton Instruments-supplied external shutter may be used with a PIXIS camera that does
not have an internal shutter. In most cases, the external shutter will be mounted on the
entrance slit of a spectrograph. The shutter mount used with all Acton Series spectrographs
requires no disassembly. Mount it to the spectrograph as shown in Figure 11. In the case of
the IsoPlane SCT-320 spectrograph, the shutter assembly is mounted internally: refer to the
instructions provided in the IsoPlane manual.
Shutter Cable Connection
1. Verify that the PIXIS camera is turned OFF (i.e., the
power supply is switched OFF).
2. Verify that there is no internal shutter.
If the camera is equipped with an internal shutter, DO
NOT USE the Shutter connector to drive an external
(second) shutter. Such a configuration will result in
under-powering both shutters and may cause damage to
the system.
3. Connect the shutter cable to the LEMO
connector at
the rear of the camera.
4. Power the PIXIS camera ON.
Figure 11. Acton Series Spectrograph
Entrance Slit Mount