44 PIXIS System Manual Version 2.C
Note: When aligning other accessories, such as fibers, lenses, optical fiber adapters, first
align the spectrograph to the slit. Then align the accessory without disturbing the camera
position. The procedure is identical to that used to focus the spectrograph (i.e., do the
focus and alignment operations while watching a live image).
10. Tighten the spectrograph set screws to secure the spectrograph adapter. Then stop
data acquisition.
IsoPlane SCT-320 Spectrograph
Because the PIXIS is mounted directly to the mounting plate on the IsoPlane, focusing
and alignment is different from the way that focusing and alignment are performed for an
Acton Series spectrograph. The following information assumes that you are familiar with
the locations of the mounting plate, Micrometer Compartment, and the locking set screw.
If not, refer to the IsoPlane manual supplied with the spectrograph.
1. Mount an Acton light source such as the dual HG/NeAr source in front of the
entrance slit of the spectrograph.
2. With the spectrograph properly connected to the computer, turn the power on, wait
for the spectrograph to initialize.
3. With the PIXIS mounted to the spectrograph and connected to the computer, turn on
the power and wait for the detector to initialize.
4. Boot the WinSpec software. Select Define from the Spectrograph menu, click on
Install/Remove Spectrograph, highlight “Acton SCT320” in the Supported
Spectrographs list, and click on Install Selected Spectrograph.
5. Select Move from the Spectrograph menu, choose the grating to be move, and then
set it to 500 nm if using a mercury lamp or to 0.0 nm if using a broadband source.
6. Set the slit to 10 µm at a minimum. If necessary, adjust the Exposure Time to
maintain optimum (near full-scale) signal intensity.
7. Wait until the detector temperature locks at its default temperature.
8. Remove the cover from the Micrometer Compartment.
9. Using a 3/32” hex wrench, loosen the locking set screw.
10. Turn on Focus mode.
11. While continuously acquiring data, adjust the micrometer until you maximize the
intensity level of a selected peak or peaks.
12. Tighten down the locking set screw.
13. Place the Micrometer Cover on the spectrograph. Replace and tighten all of the cover
14. Next adjust the rotation. First, use a 9/64” hex wrench to loosen the four screws at the
corners of the detector mounting plate. While watching a live display of the
spectrum, select a peak to monitor and then rotate the detector (up to 4 degrees of
rotation are possible). The peak will go from broad to narrow and back to broad.
Leave the detector rotation set for the narrowest achievable peak.
Alternatively, take an image, display the horizontal and vertical cursor bars, and
compare the vertical bar to the line shape on the screen. Rotate the detector until the
line shape on the screen is parallel with the vertical bar.
15. After completing the rotational alignment, re-tighten the four mounting plate screws.
Then stop acquisition.