10 IsoPlane
SCT 320 Manual Version 1.B SpectraSense™
SpectraSense is a comprehensive spectral acquisition and data treatment package. It is designed
to work exclusively with Princeton Instruments products and accessories including the
SpectraHub Detector Interface. SpectraSense software will control and acquire data from both
single channel detection systems, which require scanning of a monochromator, and CCD-based
detection systems that may or may not require repositioning of a spectrograph.
2.2.2 Controlling the IsoPlane at the Command Level
Although it requires more programming on the user’s part, the IsoPlane can also be controlled
with direct commands through its USB port or RS-232 port. This operation is described in
Appendix A Using the Monochromator Control Software (starting on page 39.)
2.3 Computer Interface Connectors: USB and RS-232
Figure 2-1. Details of the RS-232, USB, and Power Connections on the IsoPlane
2.3.1 Cables and Connections for IsoPlane
The following computer cables are supplied with the IsoPlane:
3650-USB-06 USB Cable Type A to Type B.
CC-499-2 IBM AT or compatible 9-pin female (DB9S) connector to 9-pin male connector
If neither of these cables is compatible with your system, consult Princeton Instruments for a
custom cable. If you have facilities for constructing a custom cable, use the RS-232 pin
assignments shown in Table 2-1. See also Appendix B.
RD data from IsoPlane to computer
TD data from computer to IsoPlane
Table 2-1. RS-232 Computer Interface Pin Arrangement