Appendix A Using the Monochromator Control Software
A.1 Introduction
As has been previously mentioned in this manual, the Acton IsoPlane spectrograph can be
controlled using Princeton Instruments’ LightField, WinSpec, or SpectraSense software. It can
also controlled from a computer using the supplied Monochromator Control software via the
RS-232 or USB interface. The information on how to do this is provided in this appendix.
A.2 Install the Monochromator Control Software
Use the install disk shipped with the monochromator to install that software on your computer.
The icon for this software on your computer screen is labeled MonoControl.
A.2.1 Monochromator Control Application Software
The Monochromator Control software is a stand-alone Acton software program for basic
scanning and calibration. Utilities for grating updates and communications are also included.
Normally, the software is installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Princeton
Instruments\MonoControl. This directory contains the subdirectories Bin and Data. The Bin
directory contains the executable code for the program.
Upon installation, a Monochromator Control icon is usually placed on the desktop for starting
the software. If this icon is not on the desktop, check for the program in the Windows Start
menu\Programs or go directly to the MonoControl\Bin directory and start the software there.
When the Monochromator Control software loads, there is a main screen with selections for
monochromator operation and for various setup functions. (If the buttons are grayed out, exit the
program, connect the IsoPlane, wait for it to initialize, and then restart the program.) Click on the
Operation button and a screen will come up which allows for basic control of the
monochromator wavelength. All functions of this software are described in the Monochromator
Control software manual supplied on the Monochromator Control software install CD.
A.3 Connecting the IsoPlane to the Computer
The IsoPlane is designed for operation by computer using RS-232 or USB, control that enables
wavelength scanning at a pre-set linear scan rate, change of scanning speeds, grating selection,
rapid GOTO wavelength positioning, change of grating turrets, and “jog” wavelength
positioning. Refer to the Monochromator Control software for Windows for operation with a
A.4 Controlling the IsoPlane Spectrograph at the Command
Although it requires more programming on the user’s part, the spectrograph can also be
controlled with direct commands through its USB 1.1 port or RS-232 port. The same command
set, listed below, is used for both RS-232 and USB.
Commands can be sent as single commands or grouped in strings of commands. All commands are
single words (contain no spaces) and all commands in a string are separated by at least one space.