
46 IsoPlane
SCT 320 Manual Version 1.B
Detectors and Accessories: All detectors include mounting flanges for IsoPlane slit
PD-438 Universal Photomultiplier Tube Housing for standard 1 1/8" side window
photomultiplier tubes. Requires side window PMT, and photometer/power supply
for operation. Accepts Acton tubes P1, P2 or P3 below, or customer specified 1
1/8” side window PMTs.
PD-439 Same as PD-438 above, also includes integrated light tight shutter.
PD-471 Photomultiplier Tube Housing for 1 /8-inch tubes with built in HV supply. Only
for SpectraHub.
P1 Side Window Photomultiplier Tube (or equivalent) for wavelength region 185-
650 nm.
Fits PD-438, PD-439, or PD-471 housing.
P2 Side Window Photomultiplier Tube (or equivalent) for wavelength region from
185-900 nm. Fits PD-438, PD-439, or PD-471 housing.
P3 Side Window Photomultiplier Tube (or equivalent) for wavelength region from
300-1100 nm. Fits PD-438, PD-439, or PD-471 housing.
SI-440 General-purpose Single Channel Detector with a 10 mm diameter active area
for use from 400 to 1100 nm. Enclosed in housing with the BNC connector.
SI-440-UV Single Channel Detector with a UV-enhanced, 10 mm diameter active area for
use from 200 to 1100 nm operation.
ID-441 InGaAs Detector, includes pre-amplifier, uncooled version.
ID-441-C InGaAs Detector, includes pre-amplifier, cooled version, requires either Model
442-1A thermoelectric cooling for operation.
442-1 A Thermoelectric cooling for ID-441 detectors.
SpectraHub SpectraHub data acquisition system, 20-bit A-D converter, single channel
detector interface. Requires SpectraSense software.
Microscope Interface
MicroSpec Microscope Interface enables researchers to perform high quality imaging and
spectroscopy with a single system. Attaches to a UDP port on an inverted
microscope and couples to the IsoPlane SCT 320. For more information, refer to
the MicroSpec data sheet on the Princeton Instruments website.