
9–Fibre Channel Interactive Commands
Parameters Update (-r)
9-26 SN0054667-00 C
Parameters Update (-r)
3. Adapter Updates2. Fibre Channel Adapter2. Parameters Update
From the Fibre Channel Update menu, select the Parameters Update option.
From the port menu, select a port for which to specify the parameter update file
name. For example:
Parameters Update
HBA Model QLE2462 SN: GFC0718P57753
1: Port 1: WWPN: 21-00-00-1B-32-17-F9-C4 Online
2: Port 2: WWPN: 21-01-00-1B-32-37-F9-C4 Loop Down
(p or 0: Previous Menu; m or 98: Main Menu; ex or 99: Quit)
Please Enter Selection: 1
Enter a file name or Hit <RETURN> to abort:parameters_update