10–Converged Network Adapter Interactive Commands
CNA NIC Configuration
10-84 SN0054667-00 C
Save Host Configuration
6. Export (Save) Configuration<port selection>1. Save Host Configuration
From the Export (Save) Configuration menu, select the Save Host Configuration
option to save the host configuration. For example:
What is the filename you would like to save this Host to?
Import HBA Configuration
6. Export (Save) Configuration<port selection>2. Import HBA Configuration
From the Export (Save) Configuration menu, select the Import HBA
Configuration option to import a host configuration. For example:
What is the filename you would like to get the HBA configuration
from? hostconfig
Save changes and reset HBA (if necessary)
6. Export (Save) Configuration<port selection>3. Save changes and reset HBA
From the Export (Save) Configuration menu, select the Save changes and reset
HBA option to save changes and reset the adapter.
6. Export (Save) Configuration<port selection>4. Refresh
From the Export (Save) Configuration menu, select the Refresh option to refresh
the adapter data.
CNA NIC Configuration
2. Adapter Configuration1. CNA Configuration3. CNA NIC Configuration
From the Converged Network Adapter (CNA) Protocol Type Selection menu,
select the CNA NIC Configuration option to open the Converged Network
Adapter (CNA) NIC Configuration menu with options to configure adapter aliases,
port settings, VLANs, and teams. An option to export a configuration is also
available. For example:
Converged Network Adapter (CNA) NIC Configuration
1: Adapter Alias
2: NIC Port Setting Configuration
3: VLAN Configuration
4: Team Configuration
5: Export (Save) Configuration