10–Converged Network Adapter Interactive Commands
iSCSI Port Diagnostics
10-126 SN0054667-00 C
Ping Target
11. iSCSI Port Diagnostics<port selection>1. Ping Target
From the iSCSI Port Diagnostics menu, select Ping Target option to ping a target
device. Specify the target IP address, the number of ping attempts, and the packet
size. For example:
Enter an IP Address:
Enter the number of PING attempts to make:3
Enter the packet size in bytes for the PING [32]:
Ping to successful (1 of 3).
Ping to successful (2 of 3).
Ping to successful (3 of 3).
Perform Read/Write Buffer Test
11. iSCSI Port Diagnostics<port selection>2. Perform Read/Write Buffer Test
From the iSCSI Port Diagnostics menu, select the Perform Read/Write Buffer
Test option to test the read write buffer. Specify the number of tests, the data
pattern, and the error handling. For example:
The Read/Write Buffer Diagnostics require that the adapter have
no outstanding I/O operations. Please make sure there is no active
I/O before starting the diagnostic.
Do you wish to proceed? y
Number of Read/Write tests to perform: 5
(1) 8 byte pattern of 0x55 (0101 0101)
(2) 8 byte pattern of 0x5A (0101 1010)
(3) 16 byte pattern of 0xAA (1010 1010)
(4) 16 byte pattern of 0xFF (1111 1111)
Data Pattern to use: 1
Stop on error[Y]?y