5 – Managing Ports
Displaying Port Information
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Monitoring Port Status
The faceplate display provides the following port related information:
Port type
Port operational state
Port speed
Port media
To display port number and status information for a port, position the cursor over a
port on the faceplate display. The status information changes depending on the
View menu option selected.
Displaying Port Types
To display port type status, from the faceplate display, open the View menu, and
select View Port Types. Table 5-1 lists the possible port types and their
Table 5-1. Port Types
State Description
F_Port Fabric port - Supports a single public device (N_Port).
FL_Port Fabric loop port - Self discovers a single device (N_Port) or a loop of up
to 126 public devices (NL_Port). 1-Gbps/2-Gbps only.
G_Port Generic port - Self discovers as an F_Port or an E_Port.
GL_Port Generic loop port - Self discovers as an F_Port, FL_Port, or an E_Port.
GL_Port is the default port type. A single device on a public loop will
attempt to configure as an F_Port first, then if that fails, as an FL_Port.
1-Gbps/2-Gbps only.
E_Port Expansion port - The mode that a G_Port or GL_Port is in when attached
by an ISL (inter-switch link) to another fibre channel switch.
Donor Donor port - Allows buffer credits to be used by another port.
1-Gbps/2-Gbps only.