A – Command Line Interface
Feature Command
59056-02 A A-17
Feature Command
Adds license key features to the switch and displays the license key feature log.
To order a license key contact your switch distributor or your authorized reseller.
Upgrading a switch is not disruptive, nor does it require a switch reset.
Authority Admin session for Add keyword only
Syntax feature
add [license_key]
Keywords add [license_key]
Adds the feature that corresponds to the value given by [license_key].
[license_key] is case insensitive.
Displays a list of installed license key features.
Notes SANbox 5200 Series switches can be upgraded to 12-, 16-, or 20- port
Examples The following is an example of the Feature Add command:
SANbox Manager #> admin start
SANbox Manager (admin) #> feature add 1-LCVXOWUNOJBE6
License upgrade to 20 ports
Once the feature has been added the switch will be reset.
Do you want to continue with license upgrade procedure? (y/n): [n] y
Alarm Msg:[day mon date time year][A1005.0030][SM][Upgrading Licensed Ports to
The following is an example of the Feature Log command:
SANbox Manager #> feature log
Mfg Feature Log:
Switch Licensed for 8 ports
Customer Feature Log:
1) day month date time year - Switch Licensed for 20 ports