
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environment
Configuring FCoE Parameters Using QLogic Utilities
FE0254601-00 A 8-17
loss_of_sync_count Number of times synchronization is lost
nos_count Not operational primitive sequence (NOS)
count. This primitive sequence is used
during link initialization between two
N_Ports in the to-point topology or
between an N_Port and an F_Port. This
primitive sequence indicates that the
transmitting port has detected a link fail-
ure, or the transmitting port is offline. The
expected response an NOS primitive is
the OLS primitive.
prim_seq_protocol_err_count Number of errors encountered by the LR,
LRR, NOS, OLS, LIP, LPB, and LPE prim-
itive sequences.
reset_statistics (w) Resets the adapter statistics
rx_frames Total number of frames received since the
last reset_statistics
rx_words Total number of words received since the
last reset
seconds_since_last_reset Time (seconds) that has elapsed since
the last port reset
tx_frames Number of frames transmitted
tx_words Number of words transmitted
84xx_fw_version Not applicable
Beacon (w) Enables or disables adapter port beacon-
cmd_per_lun Number of commands allowed per LUN
device -> Link to the physical PCI device
driver_version qla2xxx driver version
flash_block_size Block size used for transactions with the
adapter flash memory
Table 8-6. sysfs FCoE Driver Parameters and File Locations
Sysfs Location Parameters Description