
8–Configuring FCoE in a Linux Environment
Using the QLogic Linux Utilities
FE0254601-00 A 8-53
The Set Device Command Timeout utility can set the timeout value for target
devices on a selected host, or it can set a common value for all devices on all
hosts. This utility sets a timeout value for each target port and applies to all LUNs
that are visible through that target port. This utility does not apply to targets that
are visible through QLogic adapter virtual ports.
Package Contents
Table 8-22 describes the files in the Set Device Command Timeout utility
Using the Utility
This utility has a line command interface and a menu interface.
Command Line Interface
To display the timeout values for devices connected to a specified host ID, issue
the following command:
# ./ql-set-cmd-timeout.sh <HOST #>
To display the timeout values for devices connected to a specified target and host
ID, issue the following command:
# ./ql-set-cmd-timeout.sh <HOST #> <TARGET #>
To set the timeout values for devices connected to a specified target and host ID,
issue the following command:
# ./ql-set-cmd-timeout.sh <HOST #> <TARGET #> <TIMEOUT #>
If you omit all command options, the utility displays the timeout values on devices
connected to the all QLogic Converged Network Adapter ports.
Table 8-22. Set Device Command Timeout Utility Package Files
File Description
COPYING GNU general public license that describes rights to
copy, distribute, and use the open source content in
this Linux tool
ql-set-cmd-timeout.sh Script file that sets the timeout on the devices con-
nected to the QLogic Converged Network Adapter
README.ql-set-cmd-timeout.txt Readme file
revision.qlsetcmdtimeout.txt Text file that explains the changes that are new in
this version of the package