C–Brocade CEE/FCoE Switch/Blade Configuration
Verify that the Adapter is Logged into the Switch
FE0254601-00 A C-7
Verify that the Adapter is Logged into the Switch
To verify that the switch has been properly configured and that the adapter has
logged into the switch:
1. List the devices that have logged into the switch by issuing the do fos
fcoe command, and compare the device MAC/WWN with the information
from the QLogic adapter port. In the example, vfc19 is logged into the switch
and visible in the switch name server database.
(conf-if-te-0/19)# do fos fcoe --loginshow
Port Te port Device WWN Device MAC Session MAC
27 Te 0/19 10:00:00:00:c9:9c:c2:ef 00:00:c9:9c:c2:ef 0e:fc:00:01:1b:01
2. List the name server database information by issuing the following
(conf-if-te-0/19)# do fos nsshow -t
Type Pid COS PortName NodeName TTL(sec)
N 011b01; 3;10:00:00:00:c9:9c:c2:ef;20:00:00:00:c9:9c:c2:ef; na
PortSymb: [34] "Emulex PPN-10:00:00:00:C9:9C:C2:EF"
NodeSymb: [54] "Emulex OCe10102-FM FV2.701.462.1 DV7.2.32.002 APPS4082"
Fabric Port Name: 20:1b:00:05:1e:d8:5f:80
Permanent Port Name: 20:1b:00:05:1e:d8:5f:80
Device type: NPIV Unknown(initiator/target)
Port Index: 27
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
The Local Name Server has 1 entry
3. Configure zoning on the switch, as needed. For information about zoning the
switch, refer to the Brocade switch documentation or DCFM documentation.
4. Save the current switch configuration so that the configuration is persistent
across switch reboots.
# copy running-config startup-config