IB0056101-00 G.02 Preliminary 1-1
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the contents, intended audience, and organization of the
QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Install Guide.
The QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Install Guide contains instructions
for installing the QLogic Host Channel Adapters (HCAs) and the QLogic InfiniPath
and OpenFabrics software. The following adapters are covered in this guide:
QLE7140 PCI Express
QLE7240 PCI Express
QLE7280 PCI Express
QHT7040/QHT7140 HyperTransport Expansion (HTX™)
Who Should Read this Guide
This installation guide is intended for cluster administrators responsible for
installing the QLogic QLE7140, QLE7240, QLE7280 or QHT7040/QHT7140
adapter and QLogic InfiniPath software on their Linux
cluster. Additional detailed
installation information and instructions for administering the QLogic cluster can
be found in the QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Users Guide.
The QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Install Guide assumes that you are
familiar with both cluster networking and the specific hardware that you plan to
use. Before installing the HCA, you should have basic knowledge of your host and
target operating systems, and working knowledge of message passing concepts.
This document does not contain all the information you need to use basic Linux
commands or to perform all system administration tasks. For this information, see
the software documentation you received with your system.
How this Guide is Organized
The QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Install Guide is organized into these
Section 1, Introduction, contains an overview of the HCAs and software,
describes interoperability with other products, lists all related documentation,
and provides QLogic contact information.
Section 2, Feature Overview, contains features for this release, the
supported QLogic adapter models, supported distributions and kernels, and
a list of the software components.