Software Installation
Install QLogic OFED Using Rocks
IB0056101-00 G.02 Preliminary 5-21
Boot, Core, OS Roll DVD
Note that you may also need updates; look for the latest files with the
service-pack prefix. Make sure you downloaded the .iso images
correctly; verify by checking the md5 checksum from the web site.
b. Burn the .iso image(s) to a CD(s) or DVD.
4. Build the frontend node with the above .iso images (step 2) from the Rocks
web site:
a. Insert the Kernel/Boot Roll CD into your frontend machine. After the
frontend boots off the CD, follow the instructions on the screen. Insert
the OS Rolls and any other of the Rocks rolls you need when
b. To install the InfiniPath roll, put the InfiniPath CD into the drive when
prompted if you wish to install additional rolls. Follow the instructions.
For more details, see the Rocks installation documentation on the
Rocks web site:
5. Install the compute nodes. Login to the frontend node as root, and run the
# insert-ethers
This runs a program which captures compute node DHCP requests and puts
the information into the Rocks MySQL database. Follow the instructions on
the Rocks web site:
6. Once Rocks is up and running, test the rocks cluster according to your own
testing procedures.
Rocks Installation on an Existing Frontend Node
If the frontend node has already been installed, you can add the InfiniPath roll to
the repository on the head node, update the master graph.xml, and re-install all
the compute nodes. Use these instructions. You must be root.
You can also get rolls directly from Platform OCS or ClusterCorp. The web
sites are: