1-4 Preliminary IB0056101-00 G.02
The product documentation includes:
The QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Install Guide
The QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Users Guide
The QLogic InfiniBand Software Install Guide
The QLogic ULP and Tools Reference Guide (OFED+ Users Guide)
Release Notes
Quick Start Guide
Readme file
For more information on system administration, using the QLogic
Message-Passing Interface (MPI), and troubleshooting adapter hardware and
software, see the QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Users Guide.
concept Italic font is used for emphasis and concepts, as well as for docu-
mentation names/titles.
user input Bold fixed-space font is used for literal items in commands or con-
structs that you type.
$ Indicates a command line prompt.
# Indicates a command line prompt as root.
[] Brackets enclose optional elements of a command or program con-
... Ellipses indicate that a preceding element can be repeated.
> A right caret identifies the cascading path of menu commands used
in a procedure.
The current version number of the software is included within this
NOTE: Indicates important information.
Table 1-1. Typographical Conventions (Continued)
Convention Meaning