AIOxxx773E A resource processor could not find
cl_type cluster name cl_name in
reformatted cluster database clb_name
during processing of STOCKSET
stk_name in DJDE packet ending on
record record_number.
Explanation: A stock reference in a FEED DJDE or in
the STOCKSET clb_name during processing of external
STOCKSET stk_name invoked by the STOCKS DJDE is
correlated to a cluster entry, cl_name, which does not
exist in cluster database clb_name. cl_type can be FEED
for the STOCKS DJDE.
System action: The process fails.
User response: Verify that the job correctly specifies
the STOCKSET, FEED DJDE, and cluster database.
Then, reconvert the job.
AIOxxx774E The data stream converter could not
find FEED cluster name cl_name in
reformatted cluster database clb_name
during processing of DJDE packet
ending on record record_number.
Explanation: A cluster name in a FEED DJDE has no
corresponding entry in cluster database clb_name.
InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED DJDE.
System action: The process fails.
User response: Verify that the job specifies the correct
FEED DJDE and the correct cluster database. Then,
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx775S Processing terminated due to
unsupported BLOCK | RECORD
command function | functions found in
JDL jdl_name | jde_name:
function1 function2 function3
Explanation: InfoPrint XT cannot process the job
because it uses the unsupported function
System action: The process fails.
User response: If the JDL/JDE is essential to printing
operations, report this message to your technical
support representative.
AIOxxx776E The data stream converter could not
find FEED cluster name cl_name in
reformatted cluster database clb_name
during processing of JDL jdl_name/JDE
Explanation: A FEED command in a JDE/JDL refers
to a cluster, cl_name, which has no corresponding entry
in cluster database clb_name.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct
JDL and JDE. Also, make sure that the xclb conversion
parameter specifies the correct cluster database. Then,
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx777E The data stream converter could not
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in
STOCKSET stk_name during processing
of DJDE packet ending on record
AIOxxx777E The data stream converter could not
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in
STOCKSET internal to a JDL/JDE
during processing of DJDE packet
ending on record record_number.
AIOxxx777E The data stream converter could not
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in
STOCKSET stk_name invoked by a
JDL/JDE during processing of DJDE
packet ending on record record_number.
Explanation: Stock reference stk_ref in a FEED DJDE
has no corresponding entry in the STOCKSET
identified in the message.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED DJDE.
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct
JDL and JDE, and that the STOCKSET is correct. Then,
reconvert the job.
AIOxxx778E The data stream converter could not
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in an
internal STOCKSET during processing
of JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name.
AIOxxx778E The data stream converter could not
find FEED stock reference stk_ref in
external STOCKSET during processing
of JDL jdl_name/JDE jde_name.
Explanation: A FEED command in a JDL/JDE
specifies a stock reference, stk_ref, which has no
corresponding entry in STOCKSET stk_name.
System action: InfoPrint XT ignores the FEED
User response: Verify that the xjdl and xjde
conversion parameters for the job specify the correct
JDL and JDE, and that the STOCKSET is correct. Then,
reconvert the job.
144 InfoPrint XT Guide